Discourse Analysis on The Perceptions of Homosexuality in Botswana: A Case of Kanye and Gaborone
Discourse analysis in perceiving homosexuality has a significant role in the general use of language within a particular society. The study aims to find out how Batswana perceived homosexuality by analysing the ways in which discourse was used in Gaborone and Kanye. Twenty (20) participants were sampled from both research sites and the sampling technique used was non-probability also known as convenience sampling. After collecting data, the interview results were coded in order to identify the themes of the study which were later used to present and analyse the results. The analysis employed Fairclough’s dimensional model. Most of the discourse analysed in the current research reveals both the negative and the positive results on the perceptions of homosexuality. Most of the Batswana who participated in this study thought homosexuality was not a good practice because it is against the Setswana culture. However, there were glimpses of some Batswana showing accommodation of the practice as it was viewed as “a new phenomenon”.
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