Second Language Speaking Anxiety and Speaking Strategies among College Students
Students' speaking anxiety is a significant factor to second language speaking performance. The speaking skill is viewed as the most important skill to acquire in second language or foreign learning among the four key language skills. This study was aimed to determine the level of speaking anxiety and the speaking strategies used by undergraduate students at private college at Cauayan, Isabela (Isabela College of Arts & Technology, Inc, Our Lady of the Pillar College-Cauayan, and University of Perpetual Help System Laguna-Isabela). For this purpose, 325 first year college students who are enrolled in Purposive Communication subject for the first semester academic year 2023-2024 were the respondents. Two instruments were used to achieve the study's goal which where: Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety Questionnaire (FLCAS) developed by Horwitz et al. (1986) and Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) of Oxford. The result of FLCAS reveals that the level of speaking anxiety of the respondents is from low and mild low with the mean of 2.50-3.49. The result of the SILL reveals that most speaking strategies used by the respondents are Memory and Cognitive in nature. Half of the time, they also use Compensation and Affective and the least they use are Metacognitive and Social Strategies. Results also revealed that generally there is no difference in the second language speaking anxiety level of the respondents when grouped according to their course and their sex. Generally no difference in the speaking strategies of the respondents was found when grouped according to their course and their sex. Between the speaking anxiety level and speaking strategies , most posted no relationship except for the Cognitive category of speaking strategies negatively correlated with the second language speaking anxiety levels in all categories. The performance of the respondents from the private colleges of Cauayan City in their Purposive Communication subject is described a s Good. There is a negative significant relationship between the respondents' second language speaking anxiety level on certain items in the different areas and their performance in the Purposive Communication subject while there is no positive significant relationship between several speaking strategies and their performance in the Purposive Communication subject.
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