The Effect of Risk Management and Leverage Towards Corporate Sustainability with Corporate Governance Mechanisms as a Moderation Variable
This research analyzes whether Corporate Governance mechanisms can moderate the relationship between Risk Management and Leverage on Corporate Sustainability. This research is explanatory research that will test the causality relationship between variables using a Stakeholder theory approach. The population and sample for this research are non-financial companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2020 - 2022. The purposive sampling method was used for the sample selection in this research. The data analysis technique in this research uses moderated regression analysis and statistical test tools in the form of a normality test, classical assumption test, coefficient of determination test, F test, and t-test.
The results of this research show that Risk Management and Leverage both have a negative and significant effect on Corporate Sustainability. Corporate Governance can moderate the relationship between Risk Management and Corporate Sustainability. Corporate Governance can also moderate the relationship between Leverage and Corporate Sustainability.
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