Empowering Minds from Afar: A Systematic Literature Review on the Effectiveness of Collaborative Learning in Open Distance Learning Context
Since the advent of modern technology, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, open distance learning (ODL) has become increasingly popular. ODL has emerged as a flexible mode of education that allows learners to collaborate online, breaking down geographical barriers. In the context of ODL, incorporating collaborative learning strategies has gained significant attention due to its potential to enhance the quality of education and foster a sense of community among learners. Cooperative learning in ODL is a pedagogical approach that encourages learners to actively engage with their peers, instructors, and course materials to construct knowledge. It leverages various technologies and online platforms to facilitate interactions among learners, creating a virtual classroom that transcends geographical boundaries. This systematic literature review provides insights into past studies on collaborative learning strategies, focusing on students' interest and motivation, retention, and achievements. The analysis of existing ODL practices aims to highlight the benefits and drawbacks of collaborative learning strategies in ODL. The results of this research contribute to our understanding of effective teaching methodologies in ODL. Additionally, it underscores the pressing need for innovative solutions to address the challenges of fostering collaboration among students.
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