The Concept of Phenomenological Philosophy as A Problem of Phenomenological Reduction by Edmund Husserl

Hrytsenko Alina Leonidivna (1)
(1) PhD student of the Department of Philosophy, History and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines Donbas State Pedagogical University , Ukraine


Abstract:The article examines the phenomenon of self-awareness from the point of view of phenomenological philosophy. The authors describe the phenomenological method and its application to the study of consciousness. Particular attention is paid to Edmund Husserl's phenomenological reduction and its role in understanding self-awareness. The theoretical relevance of this study lies in the fact that phenomenology offers an original method of studying consciousness, which differs from other philosophical and scientific methods, phenomenological analysis of self-consciousness can help us better understand the nature of human consciousness and its structure, phenomenology can help in the development of new approaches to solving problems , related to self-awareness, such as personal identity, empathy, and social interaction. Practical Relevance: Understanding self-awareness can help people better understand themselves and their place in the world. Social relevance: In today's world, where people are constantly faced with new challenges and problems, self-awareness is becoming more and more important. Historical relevance: the study of phenomenological philosophy of self-awareness can help us better understand the history of the development of philosophical thought.


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Hrytsenko Alina Leonidivna
“The Concept of Phenomenological Philosophy as A Problem of Phenomenological Reduction by Edmund Husserl”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 8, no. 05, May 2024, doi: 10.18535/sshj.v8i05.1033.