Democracy and Social Justice in Ho Chi Minh's Thought for Economic Development in Vietnam

Ngo Thi Phuong (1) , Khoa Ngoc Vo Nguyen (2)
(1) Associate Professor Ph.D, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam , Viet Nam
(2) Ph.D, University of Finance – Marketing, Vietnam , Nigeria


Ho Chi Minh's ideology on social justice emphasizes eliminating injustice and inequality in society, considering it an important factor to improve labor productivity and economic development. He saw social justice as not only the fair distribution of resources but also including access to education, healthcare, and other basic services. Ho Chi Minh believes that when people are treated fairly and have opportunities to develop, they will increase labor productivity and positively contribute to the country's economic development. At the same time, Ho Chi Minh considered democracy an essential element in promoting social justice. Democracy not only ensures power belongs to the people but also facilitates widespread participation and transparency in social management. These principles are not only the foundation for social justice but also an important driving force to promote economic growth and improve people's quality of life.


1. Ho Chi Minh (2011a), Complete works, volume 8, Hanoi, National Political Publishing House.
2. Ho Chi Minh (2011b), Complete works, volume 9, Hanoi, National Political Publishing House.
3. Ho Chi Minh (2011c), Complete works, volume 10, Hanoi, National Political Publishing House.
4. Ho Chi Minh (2011d), Complete works, volume 11, Hanoi, National Political Publishing House.
5. Ho Chi Minh (2011e), Complete works, volume 12, Hanoi, National Political Publishing House.
6. Ho Chi Minh (2011f), Complete works, volume 13, Hanoi, National Political Publishing House.
7. Ho Chi Minh (2011g), Complete works, volume 14, Hanoi, National Political Publishing House.
8. Ho Chi Minh (2011h), Complete works, volume 15, Hanoi, National Political Publishing House.
9. Ho Chi Minh (2011i), Complete works, volume 16, Hanoi, National Political Publishing House.
10. Nguyen Dinh Tuong, Nguyen Minh Hieu (2019), Karl Marx's concept of social justice and democracy, Vietnam Social Sciences Magazine, No. 6.


Ngo Thi Phuong
Khoa Ngoc Vo Nguyen
“Democracy and Social Justice in Ho Chi Minh’s Thought for Economic Development in Vietnam”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 8, no. 05, pp. 3704–3708, May 2024, doi: 10.18535/sshj.v8i05.1105.