The Meaning of Bantengan Art in Moslem Communities in Indonesia
This research aims to examine the meaning of Bantengan art in the Moslem community of Leban Hamlet, Tawangargo Village, Karangploso District, Malang Regency, Indonesia. This research uses a descriptive ethnographic approach with the theory of symbolic interactionism and ritual communication as an analysis theory. The data collection methods used were in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. The sampling technique used non probability sampling with seven informants. The results of this study show that Bantengan art as a form of ritual communication functions as a gathering place, affirmation of mutual trust, respect for dhanyangan, request for safety and keep away from danger. The people of Leban Hamlet still maintain the art as a form of maintaining ancestral heritage, although in practice most of them only follow Bantengan art activities without knowing the philosophical basis of the art. This research also found that there are symbols that are full of meaning. In the process, there are different interpretations from each individual depending on their background. Nonetheless, there is an effort to respect the understanding that has been mutually agreed upon.
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