Influence of Workplace Ethics on Organizational Performance at the Directorate of Immigration Services, Nairobi, Kenya
An organizations performance can sometimes be measured by its ethical work climate.Ethical work atmosphere expresses the organizations overall ethical rationale.Thus a strong ethical culture provides employees with a foundation for thinking through moral quandaries.In the past couple of years, scholars have initiated studies on the subject of ethical climate and its effect on the work environment, performance and unethical behavior. The overall objective of this study was to examine the influence of workplace ethics on organizational performance: a study of Directorate of immigration Services, Nairobi Kenya. The specific objectives included; to examine ethical leadership and organizational performance at the Directorate of Immigration Services, Nairobi, Kenya, to assess the employee’s commitment and organizational performance at the Directorate of Immigration Services, Nairobi, Kenya, and finally to examine employee behavioral attitudes and organizational performance at the Directorate of Immigration Services, Nairobi, Kenya. The present study was significant because it addressed workplace ethics in relation to organizational performance with special reference to the Directorate of Immigration Services, Nairobi, Kenya. The study applied a qualitative approach that helped the researcher to analyze the ethical behavior of public sector employees. The study utilized the survey research design. This method is often used by small and large organizations to understand and analyze new trends, market demands, and opinions. The study conducted semi-structured face-to-face interviews with open-ended questions and Key Informants interview to examine how workplace ethics influence organizational performance at the Directorate of Immigration Services, Nairobi Kenya. Descriptive statistics, correlation, regression, and analysis of variance were implemented in the investigation. This procedure was executed in the Windows version of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences 29.0. The relationship among variables was assessed using Pearson correlations, which included the attitude of employees and leaders, job satisfaction, job commitment, training, motivation, and performance data. It is primarily employed to examine the relationship between variables. In the event of a missing response, the average procedure is implemented. The interrelationship variables are the social modelling <--> people orientation and ethical guidance <--> people orientation variables, as the result suggests. Consequently, the null hypothesis was denied, and the alternative hypothesis was accepted. The regression equation indicated that ethical leadership has a positive impact on the performance of the organization. Additionally, it was determined that employee commitment is significantly and positively correlated with organizational performance (β=.1579, p=0.013). This was corroborated by a calculated t-statistic of 4.079, which exceeded the critical t-statistic of 1.96. Organizations will enhance their employees' productivity by augmenting their motivation levels. The job commitment (0.562), attitude of employees and leader (0.509), job satisfaction (0.492), and training (0.331) of employees are moderately positively correlated with their performance. All correlations are statistically significant at the 0.01 level. The research suggested that organizations should prioritize their experienced personnel and establish an effective retention policy that includes competitive salaries, experience-based pay, and opportunity for advancement. The results of the study recommended that additional research be conducted to assist management in modifying employee attitudes, as they are the primary strategic asset of any organization. This study was conducted with only selected variables, which is a limitation. It should be expanded to encompass other regions as well.
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