Phatic, Patron-Client, and Convergent Interactions: Communication Structures Between Vegetable Farmers and Middlemen in Baturiti District Bali Indonesia

Renata Lusilaora Siringo Ringo (1) , I Nyoman Darma Putra (2) , Nanang Sutrisno (3) , Maria Matildis Banda (4)
(1) University of Udayana , Indonesia
(2) University of Udayana , Indonesia
(3) University of Udayana , Indonesia
(4) University of Udayana , Indonesia


In rural regions, agricultural operations rely significantly on middlemen, who not only buy crops from farmers but also offer vital financial assistance. This multifaceted engagement fosters a sense of dependence among farmers, given the symbiotic social connection that proves difficult to dissolve. This study delves into the communication structuration between vegetable farmers and tengkulak (middlemen) within the Baturiti District, Bali, Indonesia, utilizing a critical communication methodology and collecting data via interviews, observations, and document analyses. The uncertainty of livelihood constantly shadows the lives of vegetable farmers in the Baturiti District. The income uncertainty of these farmers is explained as a product of the dynamic relationship between agents and structures that institutionalize social practices within the farming community. Based on this understanding, the forms of communication structuration between vegetable farmers and middlemen include phatic communication, patron-client relations, and convergent communication between farmers and middlemen. The findings from this study highlight the intricate social and economic dynamics between vegetable farmers and middlemen in a rural context. The relationship, while beneficial for both parties, inherently favors the middlemen who possess greater access to resources and knowledge


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Renata Lusilaora Siringo Ringo
I Nyoman Darma Putra
Nanang Sutrisno
Maria Matildis Banda
“Phatic, Patron-Client, and Convergent Interactions: Communication Structures Between Vegetable Farmers and Middlemen in Baturiti District Bali Indonesia”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 8, no. 06, Jun. 2024, doi: 10.18535/sshj.v8i06.1161.