Teachers' Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge and Students' Performance in The ESL Classroom
Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge, often referred to as TPACK, is a conceptual framework that exemplifies the dynamic relationship between technology (T), pedagogy (P), and content knowledge (C) in educational settings. This study sought to explore the potential of TPACK as a holistic framework among the ESL junior high school teachers at the Schools Division of the City of Ilagan, Isabela for the School Year 2023-2024. For this purpose, 54 ESL teachers and 300 ESL students were the respondents of the study. The study used the quantitative approach, particularly the descriptive-correlational method and utilized an adapted questionnaire. The study revealed that the respondents generally agreed with the indicators of TPACK. Also, the findings revealed that the respondents obtained the highest mean rating of 3.47 in Pedagogical Knowledge. Meanwhile, no significant differences were found in the sub-domains of TPACK when grouped according to the teachers’ length of teaching experience. Interestingly, the data confirmed that having a high educational attainment does not necessarily translate to better performance in relation to the indicators of TPACK. Moreover, the study revealed that there’s no significant evidence on the relationship between teachers’ level of TPACK and students’ academic performance. This study therefore recommends an in-depth analysis of teachers’ TPACK may be carried out using other ways of data collection other than a self-report tool and explore the moderating roles of other variables that might have an influence on teachers’ level of TPACK and students’ academic performance.
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