Contemporary Corporate Governance Strategies on Organizational Performance in Mombasa County Government, Kenya.

Ahmed Mohamed Abdi (1) , Dr Peter Mungai (2)
(1) Institute of Security Studies, Justice and Ethics, Mount Kenya University , Kenya
(2) Institute of Security Studies, Justice and Ethics, Mount Kenya University , Kenya


Corporate governance has evolved significantly on a global scale, transitioning from a relatively obscure concept to a critical aspect of organizational management. This study aimed to establish the influence of contemporary corporate governance strategies on organizational performance. The specific objectives of this study were to: determine the influence of leadership on organizational performance, assess the influence of ethical standards on organizational performance establish the influence of organizational resource utilization on organizational performance and to evaluate the influence of employee competence on organizational performance in Mombasa County. The study was guided by three distinct theories - Adaptive Leadership Theory, Deontological Theory, and Resource-Based View Theory to understand the influence of employee competence on organizational performance comprehensively. The study employed a mixed-method approach combining qualitative and quantitative techniques. A descriptive research design was used to investigate the effects of modern corporate governance strategies on organizational performance systematically. The study's target population comprised of management staff within the County Government of Mombasa, selected through stratified random sampling. Data was collected using a comprehensive questionnaire and an interview guide, ensuring content validity and internal consistency reliability was achieved through expert review and Cronbach's alpha coefficient assessment. Descriptive statistics was used for Likert scale questions, demographic information, and thematic analysis for qualitative data from the interview guide. Results of the study showed that substantial percentage of respondents, 51%, expressed feeling engaged and motivated due to effective leadership. Moreover, 58% believed that leadership values employees' contributions, while 60% agreed on effective communication from leadership. The study also revealed that 65% of respondents perceived growth opportunities under leadership, and 66% felt encouraged to voice their concerns, highlighting the positive impact of leadership styles on employee engagement and satisfaction. 72% perceived leadership as prioritizing adherence to ethical standards. Similarly, on ethical guidelines and policies, 64% agreed that they are effectively communicated and implemented.77%, acknowledged effective resource utilization by their organization. Additionally, 73% recognized efficient monitoring systems, 68% indicated employee training for resource optimization, and 67% acknowledged continuous improvement initiatives.


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Ahmed Mohamed Abdi
Dr Peter Mungai
“Contemporary Corporate Governance Strategies on Organizational Performance in Mombasa County Government, Kenya”., Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 8, no. 07, pp. 4132–4157, Apr. 2024, doi: 10.18535/sshj.v8i07.1179.