The Impact of Contextualized Workbook in Teaching/Learning English To the Grade Iv Pupils of Our Lady of The Pillar College-Cauayan, Cauayan City, Isabela
This study sought to develop a teaching and learning
contextualized workbook in English to determine its
acceptability through questionnaire. In order to determine the
effect of the proposed contextualized workbook in English and
to assess the English competency of the grade 4 pupils, one
group pretest-posttest was employed. The respondents of the
study were five (5) English teachers and forty-three (43) Grade IV pupils of the Our Lady of the Pillar College-Cauayan City,
Isabela. The data gathered were computed and analyzed using
frequency, percentage, and weighted mean. The result of the T-test analysis between the English competency of the respondents
when grouped according to profile, shows that there is no
significant difference in the learners’ English competency when
grouped according to age, ethnic group, language/dialect
spoken, and available learning technologies at home. This
implies that learning the English language is not solely
dependent on these factors. The findings revealed that the
English competency of the learners is at the “developing” level
based on the results of their pre-test which means that most of
them find the pre-test difficult. On the other hand, the teacher
evaluators strongly agreed that the four aspects of the
instructional modules namely content, format, presentation and
organization, accuracy and Up-to-datedness of information are
very satisfactory. The validated contextualized workbook in
English is recommended for use as supplemental instructional
tool in English IV in the Grade School. The material may serve
as a prototype for the development of modules for other courses
in the K–12 Basic Education curriculum. Further review and
evaluation of the contextualized workbook may be considered to
make it more contextualized, localized, and indigenized in the
Philippine setting.
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