Convergence Communication in Community-Based Ecotourism Management

Faris Budiman Annas (1) , Djuara P. Lubis (2) , Dwi Retno Hapsari (3) , Sumardjo (4)
(1) Department of Communication Science, Paramadina University, Indonesia , Indonesia
(2) Department of Communication and Community Development Sciences, IPB University, Indonesia , Indonesia
(3) Department of Communication and Community Development Sciences, IPB University, Indonesia , Indonesia
(4) Department of Communication and Community Development Sciences, IPB University, Indonesia , Indonesia


The development of sustainable tourism can be realized through ecotourism. Ecotourism itself is an environmentally conscious tourism activity that prioritizes aspects of nature conservation, social, cultural, and economic empowerment of local communities, as well as learning and education aspects. This research aims to analyze the dynamics of convergence communication in community-based ecotourism management in Indonesia. The method used in this research is literature review. There are four community-based ecotourism locations selected purposively, namely Blekok Village ecotourism, Mola Wakatobi Village, Berjo Village, and Wae Rebo Village. The results obtained from these four ecotourism sites show the process of convergence communication in ecotourism management consisting of stages of understanding, agreement, and collective action. Through collective action, the aim is to develop ecotourism in accordance with its principles from aspects of environmental conservation, economic benefits, cultural preservation, and community participation.


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Faris Budiman Annas
Djuara P. Lubis
Dwi Retno Hapsari
“Convergence Communication in Community-Based Ecotourism Management”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 8, no. 07, pp. 4270–4283, Jul. 2024, doi: 10.18535/sshj.v8i07.1193.