Structuring of Javanese Teaching Materials for Junior High School Language Themes Grades 1-3

AVI MEILAWATI (1) , Siti Mulyani (2) , Endang Nurhayati (3) , Mulyana (4)
(1) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta , Indonesia
(2) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta , Indonesia
(3) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta , Indonesia
(4) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta , Indonesia


This research is one of the follow-ups of previous years' research, namely the structuring of teaching materials on the theme of Language in Elementary School. The results of previous research show that Javanese teaching materials for elementary school classes still leave a number of problems both in terms of format / form, as well as content and language use in it. While the preparation of teaching materials still requires indicators of the preparation of teaching materials in accordance with the curriculum targets and the level of difficulty of the teaching material. The overall research objective is to create a standardized teaching material product on the theme of Language from elementary to high school level that can be used as a guide for the preparation of teaching materials in the DIY region. Whereas in this year, the research objective is to review the Javanese teaching materials for the theme of Language at the junior high school level for grades 1-3 used in DIY as well as to organize the pattern of teaching materials according to language competence. The theory used as the basis of research is the theory of linguistic competence, linguistic performance along with the theory of language psychology. This research is a descriptive research using data from a junior high school Javanese textbook entitled "Mardika Basa lan Sastra Jawa" by Tukijo, et al (Erlangga, 2019). Data analysis was conducted using reading and note-taking techniques. The validation used was content validity while the reliability used expert judgment. The results showed that the Javanese language aspects in the research subject's book still left difficulties and lack of conformity with the Merdeka curriculum. Meanwhile, the indicators for preparing teaching materials must be adjusted to two fundamental things, namely the level of language ability, and conformity to curriculum demands.


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Siti Mulyani
Endang Nurhayati
“Structuring of Javanese Teaching Materials for Junior High School Language Themes Grades 1-3”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 8, no. 07, pp. 4349–4357, Jul. 2024, doi: 10.18535/sshj.v8i07.1202.