The Role of Sports in Preventing and Overcoming Problems During the Transition Period Case Study of Adolescents in Indonesia: Descriptive Study

Padli (1) , Tri Prasetyo (2) , Randi Kurniawan (3) , Raffiandy Alsyifa Putra (4) , Oki Candra (5)
(1) Sports Coaching Department, Padang State University, Indonesia , Indonesia
(2) Sports Science Department, Padang State University, Indonesia , Indonesia
(3) Sports Science Department, Padang State University, Indonesia , Indonesia
(4) Sports Science Department, Padang State University, Indonesia , Indonesia
(5) Department of Health and Recreation Physical Education, Riau Islamic University, Indonesia , Indonesia


This qualitative descriptive study explores the potential of sports activities in overcoming the challenges faced in the transition phase of adolescence. The literature highlights the values ​​and role of sport in this critical time. Adolescence is a time of significant physical, emotional, and social change as individuals navigate the transition from childhood to adulthood. It is a period marked by the search for self-identity, the development of independence, and the exploration of various roles. Globalization is increasingly impacting teenagers, giving them access to a wealth of information and cultural influences from around the world. This exposure can shape their thinking, interactions, and consumption habits. Exercise has been shown to be beneficial during this time of transition, helping teens manage stress, improving their overall health, increasing self-esteem, and improving social skills. Additionally, participation in sports can foster discipline, teamwork, and leadership qualities. Therefore, sport is considered an important component of interventions aimed at overcoming challenges during adolescence.


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Tri Prasetyo
Randi Kurniawan
Raffiandy Alsyifa Putra
Oki Candra
“The Role of Sports in Preventing and Overcoming Problems During the Transition Period Case Study of Adolescents in Indonesia: Descriptive Study”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 8, no. 07, pp. 4477–4489, Jul. 2024, doi: 10.18535/sshj.v8i07.1213.