Discourse of The Presidential Debate of The Republic of Indonesia in The 2024 Elections (Analysis of Presidential Candidates' Discourse in The First, Third, and Fifth Debates)
This study analyzes presidential candidate debates using Halliday's discourse analysis approach, focusing on three main aspects: field of discourse, actor of discourse, and mode of discourse. The primary aim of this research is to explore how the discourse presented by candidates in the first, third, and fifth debates reflects the visions and missions they promote. Through qualitative analysis, this research finds that each debate has unique characteristics in message delivery. In the first debate, candidates emphasize the introduction of their visions and missions, while in the third debate, there is a more intense dynamic of interaction focusing on argumentation. The fifth debate showcases a more emotional and persuasive mode of discourse, highlighting the connection between the messages and the aspirations of the audience. The findings indicate that the discourse conveyed by presidential candidates is consistently aligned with the visions and missions they advocate, suggesting that the communication strategies employed play a crucial role in shaping their image and garnering support. This study aims to provide new insights into political communication research and serves as a reference for future studies in the context of political debates in Indonesia.
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