Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan and its Influence on The Planning of Sustainable Transportation

Carmen Angélica Salazar Deza (1) , Enrique Pereyra Zelada (2) , Fernando Hernández Conde (3) , PABLO FELIX LUCIANI (4) , CHRISTIAN RODRIGUEZ CHILET (5)
(1) Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal , Peru
(2) Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal , Peru
(3) Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal , Peru
(4) Universidad Tecnológica del Perú , Peru
(5) Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal , Peru


The development of cities is due in part to the quality offered in transportation, therefore, this research aims to determine how the SUMPs influence the integrated planning of sustainable transport in Trujillo. This project presents the perception of the SUMPs and comprehensive planning to improve the service of the north-south corridors. The methodology used was a quantitative approach based on the application of a questionnaire with the survey technique that confirmed that a holistic planning of the SUMP is needed, which would have an impact on better sustainability indexes, it has a descriptive-correlational scope with a non-experimental design. The study was carried out in Trujillo with 196 citizens, selected by means of a sample. The results were obtained using SPSS version 26 statistical analysis, which confirms that there is a considerable positive correlation of 0.737 between the study variables. This analysis allows, as a contribution, to propose strategies and report on the implementation of sustainable mobility with efficiency in the integrated system, thanks to the participation of the local population, experts and decision-makers, the latter two, who will make decisions that offer efficient and sustainable solutions.


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Carmen Angélica Salazar Deza
Enrique Pereyra Zelada
Fernando Hernández Conde
Author Biographies

Carmen Angélica Salazar Deza, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal

Professor at the Professional School of Systems Engineering of the Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal and at the Faculty of Humanities of the Universidad Tecnológica del Perú. Also, in charge of the direction of the Instituto Superior Tecnológico San Marcos. With undergraduate studies in Education and Human Sciences and with a Master's Degree in Management and Administration of Education and Doctorate in Education at the Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal. Member of the Knowledge Community R+D+I+Systems of the Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Lima - Peru.

Enrique Pereyra Zelada, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal

Doctorate. in Environment and Sustainable Development, a Master's Degree in Environmental Management and a background as an Industrial Engineer, I have consolidated my presence in the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering as Research Professor and Appointed Associate Professor. My active participation in university life has been reflected in key roles, among them, as a Teaching Member of the University Committee and in the position of Head of the Office of Programming, Evaluation and Prospecting of the Central Office of Admission of the U. N. F. V. Throughout my career, I have also assumed responsibilities as Head of the Office of Degrees and Titles, as well as Head of the Office of Administrative Affairs in the Faculty.


Fernando Hernández Conde, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal

Doctor in Education, Master in Applied Mathematics, Bachelor in Education. Assistant professor appointed to the Faculty of Industrial and Systems Engineering of the Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal.Professor at the Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Faculty of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Professor of Mathematics. 
Professor at the Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences, Mathematics, Financial Mathematics and Operations Research.

PABLO FELIX LUCIANI , Universidad Tecnológica del Perú

Master in Transportation Engineering / Transportation Engineer and Civil Engineer CIP 99292 with studies in Law and PhD Candidate in Education and Environment and Sustainable Development, Professor at UNFV and USIL, Executive Director of the National Program of Sustainable Urban Transportation - Ministry of Transportation and Communications.

CHRISTIAN RODRIGUEZ CHILET, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal

Student of the Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Faculty of Industrial and Systems Engineering.

“Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan and its Influence on The Planning of Sustainable Transportation”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 8, no. 08, pp. 4410–4523, Aug. 2024, doi: 10.18535/sshj.v8i08.1253.