The Effect of Skill and Cognitive Development for Improved Early Childhood Training in Tennis
In line with this, the mentioned background then shows the relevance and timeliness of the current paper. It is important to highlight that the study mainly seeks to examine the influence of both skill and cognitive development on enhancing early childhood training in tennis. This will then include three main variables, namely, the demographic profile of tennis students, skill development, and cognitive development. Hence, the study will solely include the participation and assessment of the perceptions of students. The schools that will be included in the study are Zhonggang English School, Xichang Primary School (in Shiqi District), and Tiyu Road School (also in Shiqi District), which are all located in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province. Ultimately, the study will gather information to propose a framework for enhanced early childhood training. This will identify key factors that contribute to improved performance and proficiency among young learners for maximizing learning outcomes and improving benefits for health, cognition, and social development.
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