The Social Practice of Community-Based Development of Curup Kereta Waterfall Ecotourism

Amilia Lestari (1) , Pudji Muljono (2) , Djuara P. Lubis (3) , Ratri Virianita (4)
(1) Rural Sociology Study Program, Faculty of Human Ecology, IPB University, Bogor. , Indonesia
(2) Department of Communication Science and Community Development, IPB University, Bogor. , Indonesia
(3) Department of Communication Science and Community Development, IPB University, Bogor. , Indonesia
(4) Department of Communication Science and Community Development, IPB University, Bogor. , Indonesia


Curup Kereta Waterfall Ecotourism in Rambang Jaya Village is a community-managed tourist destination and one of the favorite attractions in Way Kanan, Lampung. This research aims to analyze the social practices in the development of community-based ecotourism at Curup Kereta Waterfall from the perspectives of structure, agency, and interaction. The study employs a qualitative research method. The findings indicate that the social practices in developing Curup Kereta Waterfall ecotourism in Rambang Jaya Village are significantly influenced by domination, significance, and legitimacy within the local community dynamics. The village head's family's dominance is evident in their control over land management and major decision-making processes. This dominance is accepted by the community due to the sekelik system in Lampung culture, which strengthens family bonds as the community members consider each other as relatives. Decisions made by the village head's family are seen as being for the common good and are accepted without social envy. The sekelik system also provides social significance, ensuring continuous community involvement in ecotourism activities. The community feels a shared responsibility to support and promote ecotourism, thereby reinforcing social solidarity essential for the sustainability of ecotourism. The legitimacy stems from strong kinship ties and a sense of togetherness, with the community trusting that the village head's family will manage the ecotourism fairly and wisely.


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Amilia Lestari
Pudji Muljono
Djuara P. Lubis
Ratri Virianita
“The Social Practice of Community-Based Development of Curup Kereta Waterfall Ecotourism”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 8, no. 09, pp. 4747–4760, Sep. 2024, doi: 10.18535/sshj.v8i09.1294.