Father’s Experinece and Roles in Raising Children with Special Needs: A Qualitative Analysis of Family Functioning

Annisa Muslimah Fadhilah Thamrin Ely Zamzam Firdaus Latipun


This qualitative study explores the experiences and roles of fathers in families with children with special needs (CSN), focusing on the dynamics of family functioning. The research aims to provide an in-depth understanding of how fathers perceive and manage the challenges associated with raising children with unique needs, and how these experiences influence family dynamics. Semi-structured interviews with five fathers were conducted online and in-person. The analysis used coding and theme identification. The findings highlight that fathers assume multiple roles—caregiver, provider, and emotional supporter—and face challenges like financial stress, mental health issues, and societal stigma. Engaged fathers contribute to their children's emotional security and social development. The study emphasizes the importance of education, support networks, and mental health resources for fathers. Encouraging shared parenting responsibilities can foster collaboration and strengthen family bonds. This research contributes to understanding father involvement in families with CSN, emphasizing culturally sensitive support systems that acknowledge fathers' multifaceted roles. Empowering fathers through education and support can enhance family functioning and improve quality of life for all family members.


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Annisa Muslimah Fadhilah Thamrin
Ely Zamzam Firdaus
“Father’s Experinece and Roles in Raising Children with Special Needs: A Qualitative Analysis of Family Functioning”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 8, no. 09, pp. 4958–4967, Sep. 2024, doi: 10.18535/sshj.v8i09.1315.