Islamic values in "Bhupa' Bhabbhu' Ghuru Rato" on The Madurese Mondok (Boarding) Tradition

Rosatin Nur Rachmat Kriyantono Azahar Kasim


This research aims to explore the meaning of religiosity and cultural compliance of Bhupa' Bhabbhu' Ghuru Rato in Madurese society. This culture is the values, guidelines, norms of life that are believed by the community for generations. In the context of communication studies, tradition and culture become an interesting research phenomenon. Islam and culture are inseparable. This research uses the ethnographic method of communication in the community of Brambang Hamlet, Sumenep, which has a tradition of Islamic boarding school (Pondok Pesantren). This research reveals that the meaning of the value of religiosity and Bhuppa'-Bhabbhu'-Ghuru-Rato obedience of each individual community varies based on their respective experiences and perspectives obtained from the symbolic interaction process. Nevertheless, all informants in this study agreed that the mondok tradition is important to be preserved in order to teach and develop the values of religiosity and obedience.


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Rosatin Nur
Rachmat Kriyantono
Azahar Kasim
“Islamic values in ‘Bhupa’ Bhabbhu’ Ghuru Rato’ on The Madurese Mondok (Boarding) Tradition”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 8, no. 10, pp. 5289–5302, Oct. 2024, doi: 10.18535/sshj.v8i10.1323.