Socio-Economic Status and Living Condition of Widows in Rural Bangladesh

Mahbuba Sarker


This paper aims to understand the socio-economic status and living conditions of rural widows in Parila Union, Paba Upazila, Rajshahi District, Bangladesh focusing on their socio-cultural deprivation, social security, and community participation. The research covered 16 villages and included social surveys that captured the experiences of 201 widows. Drawing on both qualitative and quantitative data, the study reveals the multifaceted challenges widows face, including social isolation, financial instability, and vulnerability to harassment and criticism. The transition from wifehood to widowhood marks a significant shift in a woman's status within the community, often leading to reduced social participation and economic hardship. The findings indicate that while a majority of widows maintain some degree of community involvement, their participation in social and cultural events diminishes post-widowhood due to stigmatization and financial constraints. The study examines the economic, social, and emotional support systems available to these widows, revealing a lack of comprehensive formal support in Bangladesh, with most assistance coming from family and community members. Many widows lack regular financial support, and the government’s widow allowance is insufficient. The study shows that aged widows, while able to coexist within families, are often excluded from decision-making processes and are deprived of respect and medical facilities, increasing their vulnerability. These socio-economic challenges, including economic deprivation, social subjugation, and humiliation, underscore the critical needs of widows and highlight the necessity for improved support systems to enhance their quality of life. Social and cultural participation diminishes post-widowhood due to stigmatization and financial constraints, while security concerns restrict their mobility, especially at night. Additionally, the study highlights the adverse impact on children of widows, who often suffer from bullying and lack of support. Despite these challenges, some widows exhibit resilience, leveraging community ties for support. The study underscores the urgent need for comprehensive support systems to improve the quality of life for widows in rural Bangladesh, addressing both their economic needs and social reintegration.


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Mahbuba Sarker
“Socio-Economic Status and Living Condition of Widows in Rural Bangladesh”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 8, no. 09, pp. 5046–5061, Sep. 2024, doi: 10.18535/sshj.v8i09.1330.