The Phubbing Phenomenon in Adolescents: Uncovering the Impact of Technology on Social Relationship Quality

Kinanti Anggia Nauli Hutabarat Kamila Susilo Indriyani Latipun


Phubbing is a social behaviour where an individual prioritizes smartphone usage over engaging with those around them. This study seeks to explore the underlying causes, manifestations, and consequences of phubbing behaviour among adolescents and to understand how this behaviour affects the quality of their social relationships. Adopting a qualitative approach through case study methodology, this research focuses on three adolescents who are habitual practitioners of phubbing. The findings of this study reveal that smartphone dependence, fear of missing out (F.O.M.O.), and low self-control are the primary factors influencing this behaviour. The repercussions of phubbing include the weakening of social relationships and an increase in feelings of loneliness and discomfort during social interactions. This research provides valuable insights into how technological advancements impact adolescent social behaviour and underscores the crucial role of educators and parents in promoting healthier social interactions. By identifying the factors contributing to phubbing and its effects on social relationships, this study aids in developing strategies to help adolescents adapt to technology in a more balanced way while maintaining the quality of their interpersonal connections. The study emphasizes the need for a comprehensive approach to addressing phubbing and encourages more meaningful and supportive social interactions in the digital age. This expanded understanding of phubbing's impact highlights the importance of fostering better communication habits and supportive environments for adolescents navigating modern technology. Research shows that phubbing perpetrators have the defence that their behaviour is not the only one, that in this era, almost everyone does the same thing as they do, and their behaviour is inevitable. So, they tend to repeat the same cycle. Thus, phubbing behaviour is a cause-and-effect behaviour that is also influenced by an individual's internal and external factors.


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Kinanti Anggia Nauli Hutabarat
Kamila Susilo Indriyani
“The Phubbing Phenomenon in Adolescents: Uncovering the Impact of Technology on Social Relationship Quality”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 8, no. 10, pp. 5169–5177, Oct. 2024, doi: 10.18535/sshj.v8i10.1369.