Analysis Of City Government And Farming Community Partnership In Food Security Policy: Urban Farming Program

Aisyah Jasmine Tantirasari Agus Subianto M. Husni Tamrin


The urban farming program is the city government policy to overcome the food security problem for the community's welfare. The study aims to discuss the partnership between the city government and the urban farming community in an urban farming program. It utilizes agricultural land and urban garden as the place for urban agroecological transformation as part of urban food security policy through the partnership capacity theoretical approach from Mathers, et al. This analytic descriptive study uses the case survey method, and data collection is obtained from the unstructured in-depth interview, focus group discussion, and observation in Jeruk urban village in Lakarsantri district in Surabaya. The findings show the success of the partnership between the department of food security and agriculture in Surabaya and Sri Sedono farmer group in the management of the integrated agricultural center. Urban farming program is influenced by mutual consensus which is beneficial to increase crop productivity. However, the result also indicates that the skill base factor is not optimal because of the limited personnel in PPL. Furthermore, the farmers are concerned about adopting new plant varieties. We suggest that the urban farming program can be sustainable and needs to increase the number of personnel in PPL. In addition, it is necessary to increase the entrepreneurial spirit of farmers so that they have innovation values to adopt new crop varieties, and the discipline through the increase of intensity assistance from PPL towards independent, skilled, and professional farmers.


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Aisyah Jasmine Tantirasari
Agus Subianto
M. Husni Tamrin
“Analysis Of City Government And Farming Community Partnership In Food Security Policy: Urban Farming Program”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 8, no. 10, pp. 5276–5288, Oct. 2024, doi: 10.18535/sshj.v8i10.1381.