The Influence of Motivation to Watch YouTube Unboxing & Makeup Haul and The Mediating Role of Parasocial Interaction on Purchase Intention of Cosmetic Products in Women

Diandra Emery Kiyasatina Reza Safitri


The objective of this study is to examine the underlying motivations of YouTube users who watch unboxing and makeup haul videos on Tasya Farasya's YouTube channel. Additionally, the study aims to investigate the influence of these motivations on the intention to purchase cosmetic products, with the role of parasocial interaction as a mediator. This study employs the Uses and Gratifications theory as its principal theoretical framework. The research method employed is that of explanatory quantitative analysis, with data obtained from 271 respondents through a Google Form online survey. The data analysis techniques employed included descriptive analysis, exploratory factor analysis, path analysis, and the Sobel test. The findings revealed that the primary motivation for viewing unboxing and makeup haul videos by Tasya Farasya was to seek information. Furthermore, the findings of this study suggest that the role of parasocial interaction serves as a mediator between viewing motivation and purchase intention with regard to cosmetic products among women. The findings of this study indicate that parasocial interaction plays a mediating role in the relationship between viewing motivation and purchase intention with regard to cosmetic products among women. However, the generalisation of the results of this study is limited to the context of Tasya Farasya's YouTube unboxing videos, which are dominated by representations of Generation Z. It would be beneficial for future research to use a larger and more diverse sample in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the population and the diversity of responses and perceptions from various audience groups.


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Diandra Emery Kiyasatina
Reza Safitri
“The Influence of Motivation to Watch YouTube Unboxing & Makeup Haul and The Mediating Role of Parasocial Interaction on Purchase Intention of Cosmetic Products in Women”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 8, no. 10, pp. 5411–5426, Oct. 2024, doi: 10.18535/sshj.v8i10.1392.