The Relevance of Determining A CSR Program Based On SDGS: Management Perspective

Anisa Kusumawardani (1) , Yunita Fitria (2) , Mega Norsita (3) , Sitti Rahma Sudirman (4)
(1) Economics and Business Faculty, Universitas Mulawarman , Indonesia
(2) Accounting Department, Economic and Business Faculty of Mulawarman University, Indonesia , Indonesia
(3) Economics and Business Faculty, Universitas Mulawarman , Indonesia
(4) Economics and Business Faculty, Universitas Mulawarman , Indonesia


Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) are very important for companies in achieving their goals. This research aims to determine management's perspective in integrating the SDGs concept which is reflected in the preparation of the company's CSR program. This research uses a qualitative method through case study approach. This research found that PT KIE carried out several program priorities for sustainability based on material aspects. There is alignment of CSR programs with sustainability goals and there are some that are not included in the Sustainability report. Furthermore, there are two things to measure integration within the company, namely linking sustainability to the company's vision and mission and relationships with company partners and government, so society benefits can increase value for stakeholders. PT KIE has reported a separate sustainability report from the company's annual report. Monitoring and evaluation reports are needed to support the company CSR programs.


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Anisa Kusumawardani
Yunita Fitria
Mega Norsita
Sitti Rahma Sudirman
“The Relevance of Determining A CSR Program Based On SDGS: Management Perspective”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 5758–5772, Nov. 2024, doi: 10.18535/sshj.v8i11.1439.