Development Strategies for MSMEs Receiving the PENA (Heroes of the Archipelago Economy) Program in Overcoming Poverty in Pamekasan Regency

Nur Khalis (1) , Sri Umiyati (2) , Arfah (3)
(1) Universitas Hang Tuah , Indonesia
(2) Universitas Hang Tuah , Indonesia
(3) Universitas Hang Tuah , Indonesia


This research is a qualitative study that aims to describe the process of the Ministry of Social Affairs' PENA (Heroes of the Archipelago Economy) Program Recipient MSME Development Strategy in Overcoming Poverty implementation of the ministry of social affairs program in reducing poverty in Indonesia, but the author focuses on one area, namely in Pamekasan Regency, the program is Heroes of the Archipelago Economy abbreviated as PENA. Poverty reduction can be achieved through four strategic paths, namely opportunity expansion, community empowerment, capacity building, and social protection. The results of this research through SWOT analysis can be concluded. The strength of the MSME Development Strategy for PENA Program Recipients of the Ministry of Social Affairs in Overcoming Poverty in Pamekasan Regency is that the PENA Program is in a good and prime condition which makes it possible to expand, after this program can be more self-sufficient to enlarge progress, and achieve maximum success. There are also weaknesses, namely in terms of the lack of human resource development, and in terms of the government that has not been able to optimize the program to the community. The opportunity is to become the main program that can be supported by the government, the increase in the ecommers platform which causes people's purchasing power to be high. Threats are when the consequences caused by most of the PENA Program recipients are not optimal in utilizing existing technology and the commitment made by the government does not run optimally or the involvement of other agencies and institutions, especially the village government from small lines in the community.


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Nur Khalis
Sri Umiyati
“Development Strategies for MSMEs Receiving the PENA (Heroes of the Archipelago Economy) Program in Overcoming Poverty in Pamekasan Regency”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 5803–5816, Nov. 2024, doi: 10.18535/sshj.v8i11.1441.