Internalised and Externalised Problems and Perspectives for Wellbeing During Emergency: Reflections on The Psychological Impacts of The Anglophone Crisis in Cameroon
The socio-political crisis rocking the English-speaking regions of Cameroon has degenerated into an armed conflict, pitting government forces and separatist, and leading to severe human and material damage. The psychological impacts of the crisis on affected populations is neck-breaking. Many victims are dealing with either internalised or externalised psychological problems or both, as a consequence of the crisis. Internalised psychological problems consist of the deep emotional trauma experienced by victims of the crisis such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Meanwhile, those externalised manifest as aggressive behaviour, violence, substance abuse, strained family dynamics, and social fragmentation. In their various forms of manifestation, these psychological issues present distinct yet equally significant challenges to individual well-being and societal stability. Affected residents, internally displaced victims, refugees and communities have each in their own category suffered these psychological impacts that also grossly affect their wellbeing. Internalised problems often lead to chronic mental health conditions that impair victims’ ability to function and diminish their quality of life over the long term. While internalised problems lead to a cycle of persistent psychological distress, less productivity and strained relationships among people, externalised problems disrupt social harmony and contribute to increased violence and erosion of trust among people and within communities. These problems can hurt mental hurt and foster environments of fear and instability. They can also eventually hinder positive and productive human development and wellbeing. Therefore, addressing them is crucial for promoting mental health, enhancing individual wellbeing and quality of life, and fostering safer, more resilient people and communities. Promotive interventions require a nascent understanding of the root causes, manifestations, and impacts of these problems, as well as a collaborative approach involving key stakeholders in mental health care.
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