Enhancing Indonesian Konnyaku Quality: A Process Optimization Approach
Konnyaku, a traditional Japanese food made from the porang tuber (Amorphophallus konjac), is known for its unique texture and health benefits. Despite its growing popularity, limited research has optimized the processing conditions for producing high-quality konnyaku, particularly regarding its physical and organoleptic properties. This study addresses this gap by investigating the effects of boiling temperature, boiling time, and water-to-porang (W/P) ratio on the hardness and sensory attributes (taste, color, and texture) of konnyaku. A factorial experimental design was used, and data were analyzed using Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The results showed that the optimal processing conditions for the highest sensory acceptance and hardness were a boiling temperature of 100°C, a boiling time of 30 minutes, and a W/P ratio of 1:4, yielding a hardness of 1788.26 g-force. All three factors significantly impacted the organoleptic properties, with distinct interactions observed between the parameters. This study provides critical insights for enhancing konnyaku production and contributes to the sustainable development of the porang industry by promoting efficient local processing techniques.
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