Assessing the performance of different variations of ensembled tree models in chlorophyll concentration prediction
Severe microalgae blooming is detrimental towards human life and the aquatic ecosystem in which it is blooming uncontrollably in. Chlorophyll concentration is a common parameter used to predict microalgal bloom. In this study, a variety of ensembled tree models which consists of random forest, gradient boosting frameworks, specifically XGBoost and LightGBM, and extra trees were implemented to predict amounts of chlorophyll concentration that can be found in running water. A comparison was also made between the models to find which performs the best in prediction and computational time. The comparison was conducted by comparing the NRMSE of each model and the average computing time. Each of the model’s hyperparameters has been tuned with the help of random search, as a method for hyper-parameter optimization. The results were as such: random forest took 16.95 ms to compute and the result of the NRMSE was 0.75, XGBoost took 8.28 ms to compute and the result of the NRMSE was 0.71, LightGBM took 2.81 ms to compute and the result of the NRMSE was 0.63, and extra trees took 17.15 ms to compute and the result of the NRMSE was 0.72. The comparison showed that both of the gradient boosting based frameworks performed better compared to both random forest and extra trees. Specifically, LightGBM performed the best in terms of both predictive performance and computational time. The results of this study serves as a purpose to find a faster alternative with similar or better accuracy compared to random forest as a baseline in predicting chlorophyll concentration.
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