Dynamic Modeling Analysis of a Three-Stage Batch System: A Case of Madiun Pecel Sauce Production

PRASETYO Vinsensius Widdy Tri (1) , INDRAWATI Chatarina Dian (2) , WINDYANINGRUM Theresia Liris (3) , MURDAPA Petrus Setya (4)
(1) Industrial Engineering, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya, Kampus Kota Madiun, Indonesia , Indonesia
(2) Industrial Engineering, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya, Kampus Kota Madiun, Indonesia , Indonesia
(3) Industrial Engineering, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya, Kampus Kota Madiun, Indonesia , Indonesia
(4) Industrial Engineering, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya, Kampus Kota Madiun, Indonesia , Indonesia


Madiun pecel sauce is renowned for its distinctive taste; however, home-based producers face challenges in maintaining consistent supply due to traditional, manual, and batch-based production methods. The production process, which consists of three main sub-processes—roasting, crushing, and mixing—often leads to inefficiencies and bottlenecks, particularly in the roasting stage. This study develops a system dynamics model to analyze the current production process and identify areas for improvement. By connecting three single-batch models, with the third model incorporating an "assembly" process to represent mixing, the model provides a comprehensive framework for enhancing production capacity. Compared to traditional mathematical models based on queuing theory or discrete simulation, the system dynamics approach offers greater simplicity and flexibility. Verification of the model demonstrates that it accurately reflects expected behaviors, serving as a valuable tool for producers to make informed decisions and improve their operations without compromising the traditional taste of Madiun pecel sauce.


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PRASETYO Vinsensius Widdy Tri
INDRAWATI Chatarina Dian
MURDAPA Petrus Setya
“Dynamic Modeling Analysis of a Three-Stage Batch System: A Case of Madiun Pecel Sauce Production”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 9, no. 01, pp. 6468–6476, Jan. 2025, doi: 10.18535/sshj.v9i01.1478.