Exploring the Existence and Social Role of Kiai in the Dynamics of Politics and Democratization in Indonesia
This study examines the existence and social role of kiai in the dynamics of the constellation of power and the democratization process in Indonesia, both when Indonesia was in the pre-independence period and after achieving independence. To make this study focused, the discussion will be directed to answer three research questions: how to understand and articulate politics in the current democratic system in Indonesia? How and what has the democratic political system in Indonesia been implemented so far, especially since the implementation of the multi-party democracy system after the 1998 reform? How can we read and understand the social role of kiai in the dynamics of politics and democratization in Indonesia? Based on its methodology, this study is a literature review conducted based on the type of qualitative research. Two sets of data are used in this study: primary and secondary. After analyzing the research data based on the theory of political sociology, this study found interesting findings that kiai, although conceptually identical to the socio-religious role as educators and preachers, on many occasions and at the social level, kiai have made significant contributions and contributions beyond the religious realm, even spreading widely to the political realm and the space of democratization in Indonesia. In general, the contribution and social role of the kiai at this level are carried out through two aspects at once, namely, the cultural element and the structural aspect. They play the artistic aspect as organic intellectual figures, namely playing a significant role in strengthening society's integration and social cohesion so that the structure and building of the nation and state remain solid and strong. As for the structural aspect, kiai carries out this role through his involvement in some government structures, starting from the legislative structure to the executive, whether he carries out this role directly or indirectly.
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