Optimization Bread Distribution Scheduling To Minimize Repeated Distribution
This The bread industry has seen advancements in distribution, making bread products easier to transport. With the implementation of delivery orders and effective picking processes, the bread industry can streamline the shipping process and make it easier for customers to obtain bread products. To address inefficiencies in distribution, companies can manage data related to bread, orders, and sales. In this context, Toko Roti XYZ, which has three branches (Branch A, Branch B, and Branch C), faces challenges in the distribution process. The unpredictability of bread demand at these branches is a major cause of repetitive distribution. Forecasting bread demand from these branches was performed using fuzzy time series, moving average, and exponential smoothing methods to determine the quantity of products to be distributed. Subsequently, distribution optimization was carried out using the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) method to achieve an optimal delivery schedule that affects distribution costs with a minimum result. The forecasting results with the smallest Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) were obtained using the moving average method, with an error of 23% for large bread and 9% for small bread from Branch A, an error of 17% for large bread and 14% for small bread from Branch B, and an error of 22% for large bread and 14% for small bread from Branch C. In the VRP method, number 1 represents the depot/production place, number 2 represents Branch A, number 3 represents Branch B, and number 4 represents Branch C. The scheduling routes obtained were 1-3-2-1 and 1-4-1, with a maximum of two distributions for the two available vehicles. With these optimizations, Toko Roti XYZ was able to save distribution costs by Rp. 35,492 and reduce distribution time by 116 minutes per day compared to the previous condition. Additionally, the optimization allowed Toko Roti XYZ to reduce total carbon emissions by 5,342 kg CO₂ per year.
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