The Strategic Role of Promotion in Moderating the Influence of Trust and Convenience on Mobile Banking Service User Loyalty
Mobile banking services are growing rapidly in the digital era, but the big challenge for banks is maintaining user loyalty. This study aims to analyze the influence of customer trust and ease of use on the loyalty of mobile banking service users, with promotion as a moderation variable. The method used is quantitative with a survey approach, where 105 respondents are selected by purposive sampling based on the criteria of active mobile banking users for at least 6 months, over 18 years old, have received promotions, and have a transaction frequency of at least 3 times per month. Data analysis was carried out by multiple linear regression using JASP software. The results showed that customer trust had a significant influence on user loyalty with a regression coefficient of 0.630 (p < 0.05), while ease of use had a very significant effect with a regression coefficient of 0.705 (p < 0.05). Promotion also plays a role as a moderation variable that strengthens the relationship between trust and loyalty (0.214; p < 0.05), as well as between convenience and loyalty (0.430; p < 0.05). The regression model shows an Adjusted R-squared value of 0.684, which indicates that the model can account for 68.4% variance in user loyalty. These findings emphasize the importance of building customer trust, providing ease of use, and designing effective promotions to increase mobile banking service user loyalty.
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