Optimizing Information Accessibility and Ease of Mortgage Application: Its Impact on Simple Home Purchase Decisions
Buying a simple house is often influenced by various factors, including the accessibility of information and the ease of applying for a Home Ownership Loan (KPR). This study aims to analyze the influence of Information Accessibility and Ease of Mortgage Application through marketing strategies on Simple House Purchase Decisions in Balikpapan City. The study used a quantitative method with a survey approach to 200 selected respondents using the purposive sampling technique. The data was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) assisted by Smart-PLS software. The results showed that Information Accessibility had a significant influence on Simple Home Purchase Decisions (path coefficient 0.630; T-statistic 6,023; p-value 0.000) and for the Ease of Mortgage Application (line coefficient 0.805; T-statistic 22,845; p-value 0.000). The ease of applying for a mortgage also has a significant effect on the Decision to Purchase a Simple House (line coefficient 0.234; T-statistic 1,928; p-value 0.049). An R-square value of 0.618 shows that the research model is able to explain 61.8% of the variability of purchase decisions. These findings underscore the importance of a digital-based marketing strategy that focuses on information transparency and simplifying administrative processes to improve consumer purchasing decisions.
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