The Sailor's Model of Mental Development of Indonesian Navy's Second Fleet to Support the Main Duties of The Indonesian Navy

Suprayitno Paendri Dayu (1) , Agus Subianto (2) , Sudirman (3) , Sri Umiyati (4)
(1) Universitas Hang Tuah , Indonesia
(2) Universitas Hang Tuah , Indonesia
(3) Universitas Hang Tuah , Indonesia
(4) Universitas Hang Tuah , Indonesia


The success of the Navy in carrying out the main task of national defense at sea is largely determined by the mentality of good soldiers (The man behind the gun) where the characteristics of the Navy are in line with high technology. So the ability of soldiers must always be fostered properly and correctly, one of which is through mental development, namely in the form of Bintal Komando Function. In the Decree of the TNI Commander No. Kep/940/XI/2017 dated November 21, 2017 concerning the Master Direction for Mental Development of the TNI Pinaka Baladika, it is stated that TNI mental development has a strategic role, task and function in the development of TNI capabilities and strength for resilient national defense. This research begins with the phenomenon that there are still many violations of discipline and law by unscrupulous soldiers (according to sources from Puspom TNI AL and Pomal Fleet II Surabaya). This research aims to analyze the implementation of mental coaching and the supporting and inhibiting factors in the command function's guidance and development carried out at Koarmada II Surabaya, then formulate the best model for the mental development of these soldiers. This research uses a qualitative methodology where primary data sources are conducted through interviews with officials at the Fleet II Command Headquarters and interviews with several soldiers. While secondary data is obtained from literature studies in the form of books, journals, magazines, reports and decrees. The analysis was conducted using the implementation theory of Van Meter and Van Horn (1983). In this study, it is found that the mental development of soldiers at the Fleet II Command Headquarters has not been maximally implemented due to several obstacles that must be faced in the field. The effort that must be taken is to inventory all the existing factors, then confronted with the chosen theory, then compile an appropriate model in the mental development of soldiers.


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Suprayitno Paendri Dayu
Agus Subianto
Sri Umiyati
“The Sailor’s Model of Mental Development of Indonesian Navy’s Second Fleet to Support the Main Duties of The Indonesian Navy”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 9, no. 01, pp. 6508–6521, Jan. 2025, doi: 10.18535/sshj.v9i01.1612.