A Future of Governance in the Digital Era

Martial Dogou (1)
(1) Faculty of Political Sciences: University of Belgrade, Jove Ilica 165, 11000, Serbia Media and Communication (PhD) , Serbia


In this paper, I provide an overview of digital government, covering its characteristics, scope, objectives, current status, and future potential. I believe digital government involves leveraging Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), particularly the internet, to transform the interaction between government and society positively. I briefly introduce two concurrent reform paradigms: the participatory and managerial approaches, striving to enhance the government's responsiveness, accessibility, transparency, responsibility, participation, shift, development, efficiency, and effectiveness. Additionally, I present digital government models that elucidate its development trends. I also outline the paper's target audience, structure, and educational objectives. Moreover, I introduce 'A Future of Governance in the Digital Era' as a novel paradigm in public administration studies, emphasizing the evolving role of digital technologies in public governance. I underscore the challenges posed to public administration and society by emerging digital technologies like big data, artificial intelligence, and blockchain. By contrasting the evolving functions of digital technologies in government, public value creation, human resources, and governance, I argue that the theoretical and practical implications of 'A Future of Governance in the Digital Era' diverge from those of Dunleavy et al.'s 'Digital Era Governance'.


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Martial Dogou
“A Future of Governance in the Digital Era”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 9, no. 01, pp. 6609–6624, Jan. 2025, doi: 10.18535/sshj.v9i01.1621.