Women groundnut farmers’ participation in aflatoxin management interventions in Chemba District, Tanzania
This study examined the nature of women groundnut farmers’ participation in aflatoxin management interventions in Chemba District in Tanzania. The study employed a cross-sectional mixed-methods research design involving quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Data were collected using a survey of 137 women groundnut farmers. Also, qualitative data were collected through focus group discussions and key informant interviews. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and content analysis. Specifically, 66.5% of women respondents were involved in the aflatoxin management interventions currently being implemented in the study area, while 33.5% reported no participation in such interventions. Also, the findings show that the recent TANIPAC project interventions were perceived positively to bring anticipated positive economic changes and lessen aflatoxin contamination in the food system. Overall, women's participation in interventions is crucial for effectively managing aflatoxin and reducing contamination within the food system.
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