Implementation of Islamic Education Management Values ​​in Community Service in Remote Areas of Maluku

Elfridawati Mai Dhuhani (1) , La Sugi (2) , Multi (3) , Kisman Reliubun (4) , Suhardi Rabrusun (5) , Abu Bakar Waleuru (6) , waludin (7)
(1) Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ambon , Indonesia
(2) Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ambon , Indonesia
(3) Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ambon , Indonesia
(4) Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ambon , Indonesia
(5) Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ambon , Indonesia
(6) Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ambon , Indonesia
(7) Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ambon , India


This research analyses the implementation of Islamic education management values ​​in community service by lecturers and students of the Islamic Education Management Department in Maluku. Using qualitative methods, such as observation and interviews, it explores the application of leadership, social care, and professionalism in social service activities and the distribution of the Al-Qur’an.

The research results show that this activity positively impacts increasing religious education and social awareness. Lecturers and students provide material assistance and gain direct experience implementing Islamic education management. These findings confirm that Islamic education-based service programs have great potential to be expanded and maintained to provide wider benefits.


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Elfridawati Mai Dhuhani
La Sugi
Kisman Reliubun
Suhardi Rabrusun
Abu Bakar Waleuru
“Implementation of Islamic Education Management Values ​​in Community Service in Remote Areas of Maluku”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 9, no. 03, pp. 7266–7276, Mar. 2025, doi: 10.18535/sshj.v9i03.1722.