NA The Effect of Personal Selling and Fairness of Price Using Brand Image as an Intervening Variable on Students' Decision to Choose School at Smkti Bali Global Denpasar NA

Luh Putu Ayu Desiani (1) , Anak Agung Putu Agung (2) , Ni Putu Cempaka Dharmadewi Atmaja (3)
(1) Magister of Management Study Program at Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia , Indonesia
(2) Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar, Bali Indonesia , Indonesia
(3) Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar, Bali Indonesia , Indonesia


The purpose this research for understanding the impact of personal selling and fairness of price on the decision to choose a school with a brand image as a mediating variable at SMKTI Bali Global Denpasar. Quantitative research using pre-existing measurement scales related to personal selling, fairness of price, brand image and the decision to choose a school. The sample consist of 119 parents of SMKTI Bali Global Denpasar students, with an analysis tool utilizing the SEM PLS model. The reasearch finds a direct impact of personal selling on the decision to choose school, fairness of price on the decision to choose school, brand image on the decision to choose school shows significant positive result. The impact of personal selling on brand image, the impact of fairness of price on brand image show positive and significant results. Brand image is able to mediate the indirect effect of personal selling on the decision to choose a school. Brand image is able to mediate the indirect effect of fairness of price on the decision to choose a school. Implication this research in order to schools are expected to adopt an integrated marketing approach that involves various aspects, such as fairness of price, personal selling, and brand image. By developing a comprehensive and coordinated marketing strategy, schools can achieve greater efficiency in attracting prospective students and parents. It is important for schools to provide appropriate training and development for their sales team. This will help them become more effective communicators and be able to convey information clearly and convincingly to prospective students and parents. A well-trained sales team will increase the effectiveness of personal selling and contribute to improving the decision to choose a school. The research offers new insights, fills the study gap on the effect of brand image mediating personal selling on the decision to choose a school.


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Luh Putu Ayu Desiani
Anak Agung Putu Agung
Ni Putu Cempaka Dharmadewi Atmaja
“NA The Effect of Personal Selling and Fairness of Price Using Brand Image as an Intervening Variable on Students’ Decision to Choose School at Smkti Bali Global Denpasar: NA”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 7, no. 08, pp. 3176–3191, Aug. 2023, doi: 10.18535/sshj.v7i08.811.