Women's Public Leadership in the Implementation of Women-Friendly Village Program Policy and Child Protection in Kediri Regency
The purpose of this article is to illustrate the strength of women's leadership power as village heads in the implementation of the National Program for Women-Friendly Villages and Child Protection as well as an indicator of gender justice at the village level. This research method uses a qualitative approach with a type of case research. A single informant from the village heads of Kedak, Semen, Kediri and additional informants from the Sahabat Perempuan cadre. Data analysis using the Cresswel model. The findings of this study are: 1. the village head's decision on women's and children's organizations has been drafted; 2. disaggregated data on population by sex, vulnerable groups, disability are available; 3. the village head's decision on Women-Friendly and Child Care Villages has been drafted; 4. allocated budget for activities; 5. Women's representation in Village Governments, Village Consultative Bodies, Village Resilience Institutions, and Village Customary Institutions; 6. There is still a lack of women who are entrepreneurs; 7. There is still a lack of children receiving child-based care; 8. No violence against women and children; 9. no children work; and 10. There is no child marriage. The conclusion of this study is that women's public leadership requires going directly to the community and listening to aspirations and implementing in accordance with the beliefs and personal abilities of the village head.
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