Collaborative Technologies to Optimize Scientific Production in High-Quality Bibliographical Databases Worth

Jorge Mayhuasca Guerra (1) , Carmen Salazar Deza (2) , Doris Torres Sánchez (3) , Tomás Rosales León (4)
(1) Faculty of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Federico Villarreal University, Peru , Peru
(2) Faculty of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Federico Villarreal University, Peru , Peru
(3) Faculty of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Federico Villarreal University, Peru , Peru
(4) Faculty of Finance and Accounting, Federico Villarreal University, Peru , Peru


The purpose of this research article was to use collaborative technologies to optimize scientific production in high-value bibliographic databases. The problem that was intended to be solved were the practical problems that arose in scientific production in a Peruvian public university, with It was possible to minimize time and effort in detecting, checking scientific documents, and carrying out research reports. It has been developed following a quantitative approach, with a descriptive-correlational scope, non-experimental design, applying statistical analysis. The study was carried out with university researchers who used technological tools for research, who were selected through a sample. In addition, the statistical package SPSS version 28 was used, and the results showed that there is a significant correlation between the study was concluded that collaborative technologies as research tools allowed to optimize and increase scientific production in the university environment, so its use in the research field is recommended.


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Jorge Mayhuasca Guerra
Carmen Salazar Deza
Doris Torres Sánchez
Tomás Rosales León
“Collaborative Technologies to Optimize Scientific Production in High-Quality Bibliographical Databases Worth”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 8, no. 02, pp. 34468–34477, Feb. 2024, doi: 10.18535/sshj.v8i01.919.