The Advantages and Challenges of The Accession of The Republic of Moldova to The European Union

Viorica URSU, (1) , Daniel URSU (2) , Diana MOROȘAN (3)
(1) University lecturer, Department of Engineering, Law and Property Evaluation, Faculty of Construction, Geodesy and Cadastre, Technical University of Moldova, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova , Moldova, Republic of
(2) Department of Engineering, Law and Real Estate Evaluation, Group DIC-2205M, Faculty of Construction, Geodesy and Cadastre, Technical University of Moldova, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova , Moldova, Republic of
(3) Department of Engineering, Law and Property Evaluation, Group D-2106, Faculty of Construction, Geodesy and Cadastre, Technical University of Moldova, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova , Moldova, Republic of


The Republic of Moldova is at a crucial moment in its history, exploring the possibility of joining the European Union (EU). The accession process is a complex one, involving the fulfillment of economic, political and legislative criteria. This also includes reforms in the areas of justice, human rights, the fight against corruption and alignment with European standards. This process involves numerous advantages and challenges, which must be carefully examined to understand the potential impact of the European integration on the country.

In this context, in this article, we will analyze the main positive and negative aspects that define the perspective of the Republic of Moldova in its relationship with the European Union.


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Viorica URSU,
Daniel URSU
“The Advantages and Challenges of The Accession of The Republic of Moldova to The European Union”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 8, no. 02, pp. 34478–34483, Feb. 2024, doi: 10.18535/sshj.v8i02.926.