Ecotourism Development Model in Indonesia: Quintuple Helix Inter-Organizational Collaboration Perspective

S. Teguh Wiyono (1) , Mas Roro Lilik Ekowanti (2) , Supartono (3) , Djoko Siswanto Muhartono (4)
(1) Universitas Hang Tuah , Indonesia
(2) Universitas Hang Tuah , Indonesia
(3) Universitas Hang Tuah , Indonesia
(4) Universitas Hang Tuah , Indonesia


The ecotourism development model in Bangkalan Regency, especially in Labang District and Kamal District, cannot currently be handled in the usual way but requires breakthroughs and innovation with related stakeholders, such as the government, private sector, academics, media, society, and environmental sustainability. This article adopts a collaborative perspective from the Quintuple Helix inter-organizational collaboration model, to discuss stakeholder interactions and highlight the level of success and identification of several problems in the development of ecotourism on the Suramadu Bridge, Bangkalan Regency. Data collection was carried out through observation, semi-structured interviews, and document review. The research results show that collaboration between stakeholders and what occurs in the two sub-districts above in developing ecotourism from a quintuple helix inter-organizational collaboration perspective is still relatively not optimal. This is indicated by only a few optimal factors in implementing collaboration between stakeholders in the development of ecotourism. The development of eco-tourism from the perspective of quintuple helix inter-organizational collaboration in the two sub-districts above is not running optimally, because there are several obstacles, namely the existence of informal leaders and hidden institutions, which require more effort to invite them to sit together or further coordinate.


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S. Teguh Wiyono
Mas Roro Lilik Ekowanti
Djoko Siswanto Muhartono
“Ecotourism Development Model in Indonesia: Quintuple Helix Inter-Organizational Collaboration Perspective”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 8, no. 02, pp. 34493–34502, Feb. 2024, doi: 10.18535/sshj.v8i02.936.