The African Union and Conflict Resolution: Challenges and Prospects

Aemro Tenaw Birhan (1)
(1) Pan African University (PAUGHSS), Cameroon , Ethiopia


With an emphasis on the difficulties and opportunities the AU faces, this paper explores the role of the African Union (AU) in resolving conflicts in Africa. Using secondary data sources from scholarly publications, studies, and official AU papers, the research takes a qualitative approach. The research investigates the efficacy of the AU's projects and the challenges faced in resolving conflicts by examining the organization's efforts in conflict prevention, mediation, peacekeeping, and peace-building. The findings clarified the constraints caused by political meddling, a lack of political will, finance, and resources, the complexity of African conflicts, and regional and global dynamics on the continent. Notwithstanding these difficulties, the research emphasizes how the AU may support conflict resolution by utilizing its mediation procedures, early warning systems, and alliances with domestic and foreign organizations. The study emphasizes the need of ongoing efforts to discourse the root causes of African conflicts and improve the AU's capacity for resolving disputes.


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Aemro Tenaw Birhan
“The African Union and Conflict Resolution: Challenges and Prospects”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 8, no. 03, pp. 34576–34585, Mar. 2024, doi: 10.18535/sshj.v8i03.958.