Self-Control and Self-Regulation as Determinants of the Quality of Pupils Functioning In the School Environment

Agnieszka Iłendo-Milewska , Joanna Nawrocka , Katarzyna Szorc , Ryszard Makarowski , Marek Jasiński (1)
(1) University College of Pedagogy in Bialystok, Poland , Poland


Background. The content of this article focuses on the issue of self-regulation of middle school students, showing its significance in adolescence, according to the Theory of Self-Regulation by Deci, the concept of Baumeister’s self-regulation and the Helping Relationship Theory by Lawrence M. Brammer. Extensive research has been conducted on middle school students to establish the relationship between the level of selected aspects of self-regulation and the quality of functioning in the school environment from their own perspective. Theoretical viewpoint is the basis of the empirical part of this article. 

Aims. It was assumed that there is a correlation between the level of self-regulation of students and the quality of their functioning in the school environment.

Method. Two questionnaires were used to measure the aspects of self-regulation: the first being the Learning Regulation Questionnaire (Deci, Williams, 1996) and the second being KBPK – Questionnaire for Locus of Control Study (QLCS) by G. Krasowicz and A. Kurzyp-Wojnarowska, 1990). The F/D-U survey (Gaś, 2004) was used to measure the aspects of the basic conditions in the process of supporting a child  on the way to becoming mature.

Results and conclusion. The research analysis and conclusions constitute the practical implication in the field of the quality of the pupils' functioning in the school environment. The results can help to create an effective preventive and educational impact in the school environment.


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Agnieszka Iłendo-Milewska , Joanna Nawrocka , Katarzyna Szorc , Ryszard Makarowski , Marek Jasiński
“Self-Control and Self-Regulation as Determinants of the Quality of Pupils Functioning In the School Environment”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 2, no. 03, pp. 395–412, Mar. 2018, Accessed: Mar. 06, 2025. [Online]. Available:
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