How An Organization’s Environmental Orientation Impacts Environmental Performance through Green Computing Hiring Practices

Andrew Aken (1)
(1) Northeastern State University USA , United States


This research uses the logic embodied in Strategic Fit Theory, the Natural Resource-Based View of the Firm (NRBV), strategic human resource management, and other relevant literature to empirically demonstrate how the environmental orientation of a firm's strategy impacts their environmental performance through the firm's Information Technology hiring practices. Specifically, it was hypothesized that firms with a strong relationship between their environmental orientation and their green computing hiring practices will achieve higher environmental performance than firms lacking such fit.

The sample size of firms is fairly large, increasing the statistical power of the empirical tests. The combination of using a large sample of real world firms, a powerful combination of qualitative and quantitative methodological techniques to tap into key trace evidence not available through other methodological techniques, and leveraging a recognized environmental data set has enhanced the robustness of the empirical findings in addressing this important gap in the literature.

The results of the analyses show that there is a strong relationship between an organization’s environmental posturing and its environmental performance. Additionally, this effect is mediated by the organization’s environmental hiring practices, indicating that implementing the organization’s environmental strategy through its hiring practices is important in achieving improved environmental performance.


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Andrew Aken
“How An Organization’s Environmental Orientation Impacts Environmental Performance through Green Computing Hiring Practices”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 2, no. 04, pp. 438–468, Apr. 2018, Accessed: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available:
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