Malware Analysis on Android Apps: A Permission-based Approach

Ariel O. Gamao (1)
(1) , United Arab Emirates


The use of Android devices nowadays is almost inevitable. Having been able to get a big slice of the mobile operating systems, Android has become a wide target for malware attacks. Malware detection analysis in this study is done to contribute to the many various ways in doing the malware analysis using classification algorithm using Random Forest and Naive Bayesian. This study used a static method of analyzing and detecting malware applications through the permission requests made by each Android applications as analyzed by VirusTotal website. This study utilized fifty actual Android samples down- loaded from the Internet in which the samples were composed of twenty-five benign apps and twenty-five malware applications.


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Ariel O. Gamao is a DIT student of Technological
Institute of the Philippines, Quezon City. The author
is currently enrolled of a DIT Program through an offsite
campus hosted by the University of Mindanao,
Matina, Davao City. Mr. Gamao is also a faculty of
the Davao del Norte State College, Panabo City who
at the same time a Ph.D in Educational Graduate.


Ariel O. Gamao
“Malware Analysis on Android Apps: A Permission-based Approach”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 2, no. 10, pp. 624–633, Oct. 2018, Accessed: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available:
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