A Analysis of Manipulative Basic Motion Learning Model Second Grade Mentally Retarded Children at Slb Putra Mandiri MANIPULATIVE BASIC MOTION LEARNING

Supri Atin Agus Kristiyanto Siti Fadhilah


Abstract:  SLB Putra Mandiri  is a special school that organizes education for mentally retarded children. SLB Putra Mandiri is a new school that does not have sports and health physical education teacher, facilities and infrastructure are very limited, and mentally retarded children who look rigid and passive in sports learning. Teacher need to overcome basic manipulative for children with retardation in SLB Putra Mandiri. This is the background of this research so that the researchers found out how the learning of manipulative basic movements in class II mental retardation students at SLB Putra Mandiri . This research was carried out in schools with descriptive qualitative methods. To find out the ability of students in doing basic manipulative movements researchers used  interview, observation, and documentation techniques during learning. The students sampled were class II mentally retarded students with a total of 6 students consisting of 4 male students and 2 female students. The results of this study indicate that mentally retarded students have been able to carry out basic manipulative movements even though not with sports and health physical education teachers.


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Supri Atin
Agus Kristiyanto
Siti Fadhilah
“A Analysis of Manipulative Basic Motion Learning Model Second Grade Mentally Retarded Children at Slb Putra Mandiri: MANIPULATIVE BASIC MOTION LEARNING”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 3, no. 02, pp. 848–854, Feb. 2019, Accessed: Jul. 03, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://sshjournal.com/index.php/sshj/article/view/299
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