Constitutional Reforms in the Pre-Mutiny Period in India

Prof.(Dr.) Shiw Balak Prasad (1) , Sushanta Pramanik (2)
(1) Univesity Deptt. of Pol. Sc. B.N. Mandal University, Madhepura, Bihar (India) , India
(2) Research Scholar Univesity Deptt. of Pol. Sc. B.N. Mandal University, Madhepura, Bihar (India) , India


Study of the rise and growth of parliamentary institutions ever since the establishment of the British rule in India is beset with a strange spectacle of two divergent currents, each pushing things in its own direction, but both ultimately witnessing their confluence into a single channel as a result of which the present bicameral model of the Parliament came into being. The classical argument of the colonial statesmen based on their conviction that English parliamentary institutions could not be transplanted in a country ridden with social antagonism, economic stagnation and political backwardness assumed a ‘modified character’ for the better at the hands of enlightened liberal statesmen in the period following the first World War, no matter the dichotomy continued to prevail till the last constitutional dispensation in the form of the Indian nationalists. So, this paper will disclose all secret facts in this context.


Sharan Parmatma : The imperial legislative council of India, S. Chand Publisher, Delhi, 1961. P. 5
02. Cowell H. : History and Constitution of the Courts and legislative Authorities in India (Thacker spink and company, Calcutta, 1872) P. 3.
03. Affairs of the East India Company, Parliamentary papers, 1831 appendix V.
04. Jones Morris, W.H. : Parliament in India, Philadelphia, 1957, P. 45.
05. Ibid, P. 46
06. Gledhill Allen : The Republic of India, [london, 1951] P. 20
07. Nag S.K. : Evolution of parliamentary privileges in India, New Delhi, 1978, P. 319.
08. Parliamentary Debates (House of Commons) June 6, 1861, III Series Vol. 163, Cols, 638-42.
09. Jones Morris, W.H. : Op cit. PP. 45-47.
10. Desikachar, S.V. : Centralised Legislation, Asia Publishing House, New York, 1963, P. 332.
11. Shakdher, S.L. : Glimpses of the Working of the parliament, Metropolitan Book Company, New Delhi, 1977 P. 1
12. Chintamani, S.Y. : Indian Politics since the Mutiny, Digital Library of India Item 2015. 85495, P. 32.
13. Sitaramayya, Pattabhi : The history of the Indian national Congress (1885-1935), Vol. I, Padma Pubcation, Bombay, 1935 P. 24.
14. Bhatnagar, O.P. : “The growth of Parliamentary Institution and Franchise in India” in A.B. lal 9ed.) : The Indian Parliament, Allahabad, 1956, P. 2
15. Nag, S.K. Op. CIt, P. 321.
16. Ibid., P. 322


Prof.(Dr.) Shiw Balak Prasad
Sushanta Pramanik
“Constitutional Reforms in the Pre-Mutiny Period in India”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 3, no. 03, pp. 950–953, Mar. 2019, Accessed: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available:
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